Band: River City Tanlines
Title: Gimme Whatever
Release Date: 2005
Catalog Number: GB 23
Notes: 300 copies
Format: 7" record
Speed: 45rpm
Band Members:
A-Side sounds to me like a Dictators rock-inspired anthem as interpreted by Alicja, including a brief, yet wailing, guitar solo. I find myself enjoying its subtle power more with each listen. "Gimme Whatever" is more in line with what you're probably expecting, a faster/punker song with a choppy little chorus, lyrics about a self-destructive man/boy, and a bass solo. Yes, I just said bass solo. And it's a good one at that. Better than their first single, in that I find myself becoming more drawn to this band the less they sound like Lost Sounds ultra-damage. It's nice hearing Alicja in a more convential rock setting, and her voice suits the material just fine. Bonus points awarded for not sounding like it was recorded at Tape Hiss is Good Studios. Clearer/crisper recording works for this trio. Mastered by some dude named Jay Lindsey. Never heard of him. And if not for the Dutchmasters sleeve, this record would be front-runner for 7" artwork of the year. Scum Stats: Goodbye Boozy, 300 pressed, don't act like you weren't warned.(RK)
Okay, I tried to avoid making the cliché girl band comparisons, but with this song I just can’t help it: “Time 2 Get Right” sounds like the Riff Randells’ tougher, older sisters’ best attempt at writing a Joan Jett-esque, mid-tempoed rock anthem. If that’s something similar to what Alicja was thinking when she wrote this song, I’d say she pulled it off fairly well. The B-side, however, is by FAR the stronger of the two songs here. “Gimmie Whatever” is a desperately catchy tune about an eternal rock n roll problem: a lack of action and the quest thereof. This tune is easily the River City Tanlines finest moment to date in my humble opinion, and it’s right up there with some of Alicja’s best work. You should already know by now what a complement that is. (SS)
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